-Although we know that a lot of these plays are tragedies from this time period, death is still a main theme or under lying message in Lorca's play Blood Wedding. Right from the beginning of the play we see death was very part of the Bridegroom's family, and that his Mother was always afraid of her boys dieing, and wished that she had a daughter that would stay at the home and not have the risk of dieing for unknown and for the most part dumb reasons.
-Both the Mother and the Father talk about children and wished they had more so there lands could be work and they could be much wealthier. But the difference in the two is that the Father would rather have more sons that could improve his land and the Mother does not want to risk a son being lost during his life to death and would rather have a daughter that would stay in the home and do things around the house. But they both do agree that the Bride and Bridegroom should have many children together.
We see lying in many cases during the course of the play, the two characters that are seen lying the most are Leonardo and the Bride. The Bride will lie to peoples faces about how happy she is but once they leave the room she is not afraid to say what she wants to the Maid and discuss why she is not happy with her situation. We see Leonardo also lying to his wife, and saying that he does not have and passion for his old lover but we really know that he still wants to be with the Bride. These characters are the two that lie the most and Lorca made the obvious to allow the reader to understand why the two wanted to be together so much.
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